Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Miner Update

To any frequent readers; sorry for the infrequent amount of posts on my thoughts of the market. A very fun and eventful summer followed by a busy fall of moving, commuting then moving again. Enough about me; lets get straight down to business.

My last post noted a few of my months going into the final stretch of the year.

Let's just start with my favorite asset class that I am an accumulator of; the miners.

Taking a severe beating; but nothing has changed from my stance; they are the most volatile asset class in finance that I've seen; outside of weekly options.

On a technical level; there is nothing positive to note. The charts are a disaster; select names are at oversold levels never seen before, sentiment is absolute atrocious. The only way these names recover is from buyers stepping up to the plate. I keep saying in these writings that the big money won't move into the sector until gold is over 1400. Until then, you have to have conviction and patience.

Look at the volume on this next chart and ask yourself; wtf is going on. There is some serious changing of hands going on here in the volume that can be seen in the ratio; long GDXJ; short gold.  Do you want to be a retail muppet and sell low? Or do you want to accumulate stocks like the smart money? I for one; am part of the latter. And time is on my side. I will continue to buy the dips.

Small caps: Please revist the below link; tooting my horn a bit here; but its worth the short read that it is. I will be looking for bounces to add to my short in IWM. 

Stop loss on IWM shorts: 2 weekly closes over 20 week EMA. Will end up being around 115; see chart. 

Will post more over the weekend, right now I'm working on a shotty internet connection waiting for comacast to be installed (p.s. a company i want to buy on any major market sell off; they have a monopoly on this market and began 2 year contracts; guaranteed revenue). For now, follow me on twitter @mattdubz86  I post a lot of trade ideas and market updates there as well. 

Shout out to Natixis, some of the best mutual funds on the market; but I'm iffy on the entire financial system's structure right now and the confidence in central banking. I'll be monitoring the underlying markets of this mutual fund looking for a place to park cash for the long haul once this next shake out happens. 

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