Thursday, June 25, 2015

It's been a while

The USA is the "wealthiest" country right? If we are going to remain an empire, we are going to have to convert fast enough to renewable energy before the rest of the world. Solar, wind, water, nuclear are going to be the drivers. There is enormous amounts of money pouring into all of these sectors. I'll be including this topic in my posts going forward. For now, let's touch base on a few things.


Apologies for the delay in writing. I'm pursuing the Chartered Market Technician exam, which explains a small portion of my absence in continuing this shared journal of my thoughts on the market. Aside from the CMT, I've been trying to wrap my head around what I can and can't share via my views of the market from compliance at work. It's unreal how much compliance and regulation that is coming to trading desks globally.

My views are my views and my views only. Period.

Alright, lets get started.

 Below is a series of charts I am watching and will be discussing as they play out.

For this post; here are the charts, and I will elaborate individually as we progress.


My thoughts on 10 year yields: Going no where, but everywhere.

My thoughts on near term spoos: expiry over this chart is over 2120.

Golds vs Inverse Nikkei

China....Love it.

Smart index vs. NYA vs. Bloomberg comfort index: dates on chart.

Dow:gold vs dow

Trannies:Industrials vs SPX

2s30s vs SPX

Gold/Bonds (inv.30yr yield) vs Gold

CRB:TLT vs Gold

Bonus Chart

LSG going higher.