"Buy when everyone is selling, hold when everyone is buying"
The next few charts and thoughts will be on the gold/silver mining complex, gold/silver, commodity complex (DJP ETF tracks the CCI/CRB index), long bonds and volatility. In a nut shell; get long the aforementioned asset classes going into the home stretch of the year.
Gold/Silver and the Shares:
The Long Bond: Do you really think the Fed can raise rates? GTFO; I don't think they can or will; neither does the Bond market.
Volatility; Art Cashin warned that low volume melt up summers going into September do not favor the bulls. Volatility is going to pick up IMO has the real money comes back from their summer vacations. Combined with the low volume ramp; we have a slew of geopolitical scenarios that can ignite at any time. A small position in Vol is a pretty good idea to protect core accounts.
(Got long Vol at the red circle)
Nasdaq/S+P : Eyeing possible topping formations that may lead to..dare I say...a correction greater than 6%! Heaven forbid.